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Dean of Schulich School of Business, York University in Canada, Dezso Horvath, Visits SEM, BUAA

Publish Date: 2016/08/24 09:29:04    Hits:

On September 23th, the delegation leaded by Dezso Horvath from Schulich School of Business, York University in Canada visit our school. The president of SEM, BUAA, Prof. Wang Huiwen met the visitors. And vice dean of SEM, Zhou Ning, director of theCentreforseniormanagementeducation, Hu He, vice director of EMBA, Yu Yueying, vice director of MBA, Li Yashuai, andscientificsecretary, Chen Xingattended thisconference.

Prof. Wang Huiwen expressed a warmwelcometo them, and expressed certainty for theachievementmade by the long-term cooperation between SEM and Schulich School of Business. Dean Horvath quite agreed with the statement issued by Prof. Wang, and hoped that we canfurtherthecooperationonpersonnel training, management training courses, academic symposiums and so on based on the existingrelationship. Both sides discussed many topics, such as, Senior managementeducationproject, BAproject, and the exchangeprotocolfor MBAstudents, and expressed the wish for in-depthcollaboration.

Schulich School of Business, York University in Canada wasestablished in 1966, and is one of the most famousbusinessschools. And it was ranked No. 1 in Canada by American think tanks, i.e., Aspen; and the MBA education was also ranked No. 1 in Canada according to the Economist and Forbes.