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The Smooth Ongoing of 2018 Spring Graduate Courses by Overseas Experts at BEIHANG SEM

Publish Date: 2018/05/29 11:11:54    Hits:

2018 Spring Graduate Courses by Overseas Experts are smoothly going on at Beihang SEM since April, 2018. In May, the courses of "Real Options and Natural Gas Markets " and "International Trade"are successfully given by Prof.Ronald D. Ripple and Prof. Eric Bond. The two courses got praises from students of Beihang SEM.

The courses of "Real Options and Natural Gas Markets " by Prof. Ronald D. Ripple from The University of Tulsa,covers both the use of real options valuation methodology in the energy sector and the role ofhubs in natural gas markets. Real option methodology allows decision makers to quantify the value of strategic and discretionary choices that cannot bereadily estimated employing traditional discounted cash flow methodologies. This course has developed the underlying theory and its relationship to financialoptions methodology, and it will examine a range of energy sector applications.

The courses of "International Trade " by Prof. Eric Bond from Vanderbilt University, is designed to givea rigorous background in the theory of international trade and commercial policy. The first part of the course involves a review of the major theoretical models of international trade, as well as some discussion of recent empirical tests of these models. Recent literature on the role of multinational firms areexamined. The second part of the course covers trade policy and trade agreements, the analysis focuses on theoretical models of trade agreements andthe empirical testing of these models. The role of intellectual property intrade and trade agreements are discussed.

During the courses, students were listening carefully, and asked questionsactively. During the break, the discussion between professors and audience wereas hot as the weather.