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Doctor Wang Zhiwei's Lecture Notice

Publish Date: 2019/12/26 11:14:49    Hits:

Title:Dynamical AV routing allocation scheme with mixed traffic flow in the tolled network

Presenter:Doctor Wang Zhiwei

Time:2019.12.25 10:00-11:30


Abxtract:This study proposes a dynamical routing scheme of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in a mixed traffic condition consisting of conventional vehicles (CVs), uncontrolled AVs and controlled AVs in a tolled network. We adopt the general BRUE assumption for route choice of CVs and UE assumptions for route choice of uncontrolled AVs. The evolution of traffic flow is modelled in a day-to-day (DTD) framework. The proposed model is built in a general framework. Although travelers follow different routing principle, under general assumptions, the proposed scheme can drive the aggregated flow toward the desired flow pattern, which is the unique UE flow pattern with the implementation of a uniform toll pricing on uncontrolled travelers. In addition, the exemption of toll for the controlled AV users is the motivation for them to accept the route allocation with some routes that are inferior in respect to travel time cost during the flow adjustment process. A rigorous stability analysis is presented and other properties of models are also discussed, such as the invariance of traffic flow trajectories and the equivalence of the stationary states and equilibrium condition for different group of flow and aggregated flow and rigorous mathematical proofs are given. For the purpose of practical application, a specific model satisfying the general formulation is proposed and tested in two numerical examples. The study provides some insights on how to utilize the controllable property of AVs and consider a method for AVs to accept more time-consuming routes. Moreover, the general framework of the proposed model is more flexible for the real application.  

About the presenter:Dr. Zhiwei WANG is an AssociateProfessor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). He received his PhD from the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2008. His research topics include optimal transportation infrastructure design, analyzing interaction between urban development and transportation planning, public transportation operation and design. He has published more than 45 articles on the top transportation journals. He serves as an Associate Editor in the editorial board of Transportmetrica A: Transport Science. He is editorial board member of International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology. As a Principle Investigator, Dr. Wang has secured over S$2 million in external research grants since 2010. The majority (about S$1.7 million) was awarded by highly competitive Academic Research Fund (AcRF) Tier 2 Research Grant by Ministry of Education (MOE) of Singapore. He received Fred Burggraf Award from Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Research Councils of the United States in 2016; Tan

Chin Tuan Exchange Fellowship in Engineering at NTU in 2017.