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Doctral Student Yan Xilong Won the Best Paper Award at ICEF2024 Conference

Publish Date: 2024/07/09 10:19:09    Hits:

Recently, at the 2024 International Conference on Climate and Energy Finance (ICEF2024) hosted by the Energy Finance Professional Committee of the International Energy Transition Society and the Climate Finance Research Branch of the Chinese Society for Optimization Methodology, the paper ‘Enhancing climate pledges with equitable efforts: A perspective of trade and competitiveness’written by Yan Xilong, a PhD candidate at the School of Economics and Management of Beihang University, won the Best Paper Award.

The paper mainly explores how countries can enhance their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) under the 2°C temperature control target of the Paris Agreement to achieve equitable competitiveness and trade impacts. Based on the idea of differentiated coordination of carbon taxes for cost equity, the paper proposes a new plan for enhancing NDC targets, providing a meaningful reference for countries to coordinate their climate policies and climate targets.

The ICEF conference serves as an international academic exchange platform in the field of climate and energy finance, aiming to promote the development of climate and energy finance disciplines both domestically and internationally. This series of conferences began in 2018, and this year is the seventh edition. A total of 220 papers from more than 20 countries and regions participated in the conference discussions, and 8 of them were awarded as the best papers.