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Dr. Biying Shou's lecture notice

Publish Date: 2010/05/25 10:36:24    Hits:

Topic:Managing supply uncertainty under chain-to-chain competition

Lecturer:Dr. Biying Shou,City University of Hong Kong

Time:2010.5.25(Tuesday. 10:00-11:30 a.m.

Location:New Main Building A949

Organizer:Insurance and Risk Management DepartmentAbstract:

We study the competition of two supply chains with supply uncertainty. We examine the supply chain decisions at three different levels.

At the operational level, we show that retailer should order more (less)if its competing retailer has a less (more) reliable supply.

At design evel, we consider two types of contracts and characterize the optimal terms. strategic level, we show that supply chain coordination is a dominant strategy. BR>Nevertheless, supply risk is low, coordination could decrease supply chain profit, which results in a prisoner's dilemma; if supply risk is high, coordination increases supply chain profit.

Lecturer Biying Shou is an Assistant Professor of Management Sciences at City University Hong Kong. She received B.E.from Tsinghua University and M.S.and Ph.D.from Northwestern University (USA). She has previously worked at Motorola, General Motors, and 4R Systems.Her main research interests include operations and supply chain management, stochastic modeling, and agile workforce. She has published papers in leading journals suchas Operations Research,Production Operations Management, and Naval Research Logistics.

She is currently a board member of the College of Business at City University of Hong Kong. She also served as president of INFORMS Northwestern University Student Chapter during 2002-2003.

School of Economics & Management
