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Dr. Kirsti Dautzenberg's lecture notice

Publish Date: 2010/10/18 16:12:32    Hits:

Title:Gender differences in risk decision making: a test for Economics and Science students

Speaker:Dr. Kirsti Dautzenberg

Time:2010.09.28, 16:30-18:00

Location:New Main Building A1148


Risk behavior plays in important role for the decision to start a business. In Germany we can obtain that women are significant less start a business than their male counterparts, especially in the high-tech-sector. Generally, risk can be defined in terms of changes in values between two dates… risk is related to the variability of the future value of a position, due to changes or more generally to uncertainty… (Artzner, Delbaen, Eber and Heath, 1999). But we have to note that human decisions range between intuition and rationality. For this background the presentation give an overview about different theoretical approaches to explain different risk propensity, risk affinity and therefore risk behavior and presents the results of an experimantal study with German students.

SEM Postgraduate Association
