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【Lecture on Economics and Business】Prof.Andrew Chesher’s Lecture Notice

Publish Date: 2017/06/07 08:48:18    Hits:

Title: 21st Century Instrumental Variable Models

LecturerProf. Andrew Chesher

LecturerProf.Ying Fan

Time2017.6.12 10:00

LocationYifu Buiding 1stFloor East Conference Room


21st century instrumental variable models allow outcomes to havediscrete elements, the existence of many sources of heterogeneity influencingthe values outcomes take and inequality restrictions amongst observed variablesand unobserved heterogeneity.

By contrast, 20th century instrumental variable models havecontinuous outcomes, very limited scope for the influence of unobservedheterogeneity on outcomes and only accommodate equality restrictions.

This lecture motivates and exposits our extension of the Scope ofapplication of IV models, set out in “Generalized Instrumental VariableModels”, Andrew Chesher and Adam Rosen, Econometrica, 2017, and applies to amodel of female labor force participation.