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Dr.Jonathan D. Linton's Lecture Notice

Publish Date: 2017/06/19 15:20:39    Hits:

Title:Managing Emerging Technology Supply Chains: the next competitivecapability

Lecturer:Dr.Jonathan D. Linton


Location:New Main Building A618

Inviter:Prof. Qiuhong Zhao


China’s economic miracle was first based on low labour costs and then on process innovation. Competition will be based on success in future industries like additive technologies, advanced materials, alternative energy, and biotechnology. To succeed in this competition technological superiority is helpful, but insufficient. China is advised to consider where its technological strength can be leveraged and how past success in managing supply chains needs to be adjusted for the challenges of working with new technologies for novel products and services. This is critical as the firms, supply chains and locations that succeed in encouraging, managing and retaining Emerging Technology Supply Chains (ETSC) will be the economic victors in the future. China is no longer is a game of catch-up, but now will strive to reach forward more efficiently and effectively than other locations. This is both a challenge and an opportunity;as little is known regarding Emerging Technology Supply Chains (ETSC) and many of the questions underpinning ETSCs remain understudied. The existing literature on ETSCs is considered and summarized. An interdisciplinary call to research considering many of the relevant topics and disciplines is provided.


Jonathan D. Lintonis the Chair in Operations and Technology Management at the University of Sheffield, Foreign Co-Head of the Science Technology Studies Laboratory of the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, and Editor-in-Chief ofTechnovation.He holds a Ph.D. in Management Science, Schulich School of Business, York University and is a registered professional engineer. Dr. Linton’s research focuses on emerging technologies supply chains. He is also well known for his activities in Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy, and sustainable supply chains. In addition to publishing in high impact management journals and trade publications, his interdisciplinary research has been published widely in science and technology journals such as Nature,Nature Materials, New Biotechnology,and Energy Risk.He is on the editorial boards of Foresight,Journal of Engineering and Technology Management and Technological Forecasting and Social Change