Title: When It is Too Good to be True: Examining Consumers’ Reactionsand Firms’ Responses to Online Price Mistakes
Lecturer:Xia Lan Bentley University
Host:Prof. Yao Tang
Abstract:Astransactions increasingly move to the Internet and are automated, pricemistakes are fairly common either due to human errors or technical glitches.While many consumers jump on these deals, retailers respond to thesedifferently, leading to different consumer reactions.
Thisresearch explores how likely consumers are to take advantage of pricingmistakes and what factors influence their decision. In addition, the researchexplores consumer reactions to company responses to pricing mistakes.
About the Lecturer:LanXia is an Associate Professor (tenure) in the Marketing Department at theMcCallum Graduate School of Business, Bentley University. She completed her PhDin Marketing at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2003. Her majorareas of research include behavioral pricing, price fairness perceptions,service pricing, consumer information processing, and online consumerbehaviors. Her work has appeared inJournal of Marketing, Journal ofRetailing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Service Research, Journalof Interactive Marketing, Journal of Economic Psychology, and InternationalJournal of Electronic Commerce. She also serves on the editorial reviewboard ofJournal of Business Research, Journal of Product & BrandManagementandJournal of Consumer Marketing.