Title:Modeling the effects of air-rail cooperation on synergy among regional airports
Presenter:Prof.Zhichun li
Time:2018.10.15 14:30-16:00 pm
Invited by:Prof.Liu Tianliang
Abstract:Air-rail integration service has been considered as an important way to mitigate the hub airport congestion. This paper addresses the effects of air-rail cooperation on synergy among regional airports. Airport pricing models with and without air-rail integration service under different airport regulations are presented. The findings show: (1) for profit-maximizing airports, the air-rail integration service can lower the hub airport charge but increase the transfer airport charge. However, for welfare-maximizing airport, the air-rail integration service would lower the hub/transfer airport charges; and (2) for profit-maximizing airports, air-rail integration service will decrease the hub airport profit but increase the transfer airport profit, and a joint scheme of airport cooperation and air-rail integration is most efficient in terms of total airport profit. However, for welfare-maximizing airport, the air-rail integration service has no effect on the level of social welfare. The authority can attain the same social welfare through adjusting the airport charges of regional airports.