Time:5.31 12:00-14:00
Location: A618
Title:New Clinical Information and Physician Prescribing: How Do Pediatric Labeling Changes Affect Prescribing to Children?
Speaker:Nina YIN
We explore how physician prescribing responds to new scientific information added to drug labels. We focus on label changes with new information about the effects of drugs in children. The information was expected to improve pediatric prescribing, but there is little evidence about the actual effects of these labeling changes. We find that most label changes lead to reductions in prescribing to children. The largest drop in prescribing occurs when the label indicates a drug is not effective for children. Results suggest that the labeling changes alleviated physician uncertainty about prescribing drugs to children and reduced some inappropriate off-label use.
Dr. Nina Yin is an tenure-track assistant professor at Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China since September 2015. She was a postdoctoral research fellow at Tulane University (New Orleans, US) from 2013-2015. She received her Ph.D. in Economics from Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse, France). Her research interests include industrial organization,health economics and the economics of innovation and intellectual property rights. Her articles has been published in American Journal of Health Economics, China Economic Review, and The Oxford Handbook of Venture Capital.