On 22 October,2018, in the room A939 of the New Main Building, Pro. Hean Tat Keh, from Monash University, Australia, was invited to make an academic lecture on“ImpactfulResearch: Why, What and How”. The lecture was chaired by Professor JinsongHuang, director of Digital Marketing Department at School of Economics andManagement. More than 20 tutors and students from the SEM attended thislecture.
In thereport, Professor Keh, based on his own experience in publishing top-tierpapers, explained how to publish papers in top journals, and analyzed thematters needing attention in writing a high-level paper. Professor Keh, with arelaxed and humorous style, further analyzed the key points of the selectionprocess, research stage and publishing experience of high-level papers throughhis many years of experience in publishing top-tier papers.
At the endof the lecture, the tutors and students from the SEM put forward variousquestions about doing interesting research. Prof. Keh had taken vivid practicalcases to answer these questions. The lecturer and listeners were immersed in adeep academic atmosphere and looking forward to more academic communications inthe future.