Name:XU Zhe
Tel No.:82339805 Email: xuzhebuaa@163.com Title: Professor personal homepage |
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Xu Zhe, Female, born in April 1964. Professor and Doctoral Advisor of Department of Business Administration in School of Economics & Management in Beihang University. Education 1982~1986: Bachelor degree of missile design specialty in Beihang University. 1986~1988: Bachelor degree of management engineering specialty in Beihang University. 1992~1995: Master degree of systems engineering specialty in Beihang University. 2000~2006: Ph.D. degree of systems engineering specialty in Beihang University. Work Experience 1991~1998: Assistant Professor, School of Economics & Management in Beihang University. 1998~2009: Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, School of Economics & Management in Beihang University. 2009~ : Professor and Doctoral Advisor, Department of Business Administration, School of Economics & Management in Beihang University. Research Interests 1) Schedule, Cost and Risk Management. 2) Quality Management. Teaching Curses 1) Undergraduate Courses: Applied Statistics, Quality Management. 2) MBA Course: Statistics for Economic and Management. 3) Master Course: Quality Management. Address Room 920, Tower A, the New Main Building, 37 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District Beijing 100191, P. R. China. Tel: +86-01-82339805 Fax: +86-01-82328037 E-mail:xuzhebuaa@163.com |