Name: JIN Hao Title: Associate Professor |
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Name:Hao Jin Office:New Main BuildingA1151 Title:Associate Professor Personal Website: 【Research Fields】 Macroeconomics,International Finance,Monetary and Fiscal Policy 【Work Experience】 2021—present:School of Economics and Management, Beihang University,Associate Professor 2016—2021:WISE and School of Economics, Xiamen University,Assistant Professor 【Education Background】 2010—2016:Indiana University,Ph.D.,Advisor:Eric Leeper and Juan Carlos Hatchondo 2008—2010:Cornell University,Master 2007—2008:University of California, Santa Barbara,Master 2003—2007:Xiamen University,Bachelor 【Selected Publications】 [1]. Financial Openness, Bank Capital Flows, and the Effectiveness of Macroprudential Policies, with Chen Xiong,Macroeconomic Dynamics,Accepted. [2]. Fiscal Stress and Monetary Policy Stance in Oil-Exporting Countries, with Chen Xiong,Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 111, March 2021, 102302. [3]. Foreign Asset Accumulation among Emerging Market Economies: a Case for Coordination, with Hewei Shen,Review of Economic Dynamics, Volume 35, January 2020, Pages 54-73. [4]. The Macroeconomic Effects of Local Government Debt--a Credit Misallocation Perspective, with Chen Xiong,China Economic Quarterly, Forthcoming. (in Chinese) [5]. Double Helix of Local Government Debt Risk and Financial Sector Risk--Analysis Based on Nonlinear DSGE Model,with Chen Xiong,China Industrial Economics,2018(12):23-41. (in Chinese) 【Research Grants】 1. ChinaNational Natural Science Fund:Financial Openness, Bank Credit Allocation and Macroeconomic Stability—theoretical and empirical analysis,2021/01-2023/12,Principle Investigator. 2. China Ministry of Education Project of Humanities and Social Sciences:Macroprudential Policy Evaluation and Optimal Policy Design under Financial Openness, 2020/01-2022/12,Principle Investigator. 【Awards】 China Quantitative Economics Society Thirteenth Academic Research Paper Award: First Prize. Fujian Province Thirteenth Social Science Academic Research Award: Third Prize. 【Teaching Experience】 1.International Finance(Undergraduate) 2.International Finance: Theory and Policy(Undergraduate) 3.Advanced Macroeconomic Topics I:Monetary Economics and International Finance (Graduate) 【Others】 Referee for Review of Economic Dynamics,Journal of International Money and Finance,Journal of Financial Stability,China Economic Review,Economic Modelling. |