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Name:WU Xin
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Email: wuxin@buaa.edu.cn
Title: Associate Professor
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Cynthia Xin WU

Associate Professor of OB & HRM


Ph D. School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, 2006

M.S. Department of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, 1999

B.S. Department of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, China, 1992

Professional Experience

Personnel Service Manager, China Netcom Corporation, Beijing, China

Management Consultant, Bothwitz Consulting Company, Beijing, China


Undergraduate: Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Social Psychology, Introduction to Psychology

Postgraduate: Advanced Human Resource Management, Research Methodology in Social Science

MBA: Human Resource Management, Personnel Assessment

International Students: Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior

Area of Expertise and Research Interests

Specialized in organizational behavior, human resource management and applied psychology

Current research interests: organizational citizenship behavior, leadership, team effectiveness, line managers' human resource management behavior and human resource management effectiveness, performance management, psychological contract, stress and job burnout, career management of university students

Selected Publications

Wu, X., Wu, Z., Wu, Y., Li, R. The influence of regulatory focus of supervisors and subordinates on LMX and the performance of the subordinates. Paper presented at the 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, 2010.

Wu, X., Pan, S. Unpacking the Role of Line Manager Involvement in Human Resource Management Effectiveness.Proceedings of International Forum of Human Resource Strategy and Development, 2009.

Zeng, X., Wu, X. The moderating effect of team situational strength on the relationship between personality and organizational citizenship behavior. Economics and Management Journal, 2009, 31(10), 94-99. (in Chinese)

Wu, X., Li, D. An exploratory study on job seeking self-efficacy of university students in China. Proceedings of the XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, 2008.

Wu. X., Wu, Z. & Zhang, D. Effects of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors on Team Effectiveness in High-Tech Organizations: The Mediating Role of Group Efficacy”, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2007, 21(3), 19-23. (in Chinese)

Wu, Z., Wu, X. Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior: Mediating role of psychological empowerment. Journal of Management Science in China, 2007, 10(5), 40-47. (in Chinese)

Wu, X., Farh, J., and Wu, Z. The Contingent Effects of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Task Interdependence on Team Performance in Knowledge Work Teams in the PRC. Paper presented at the Fifth Asia Academy of Management Conference, Tokyo, 2006.

Wu, X., Wu, Z., Zhang, D. Does the difference make a difference? The moderating role of the variance of LMX within the team in the LMX-OCB relation. Proceedings of the Second IACMR biennial Conference, Nanjing, 2006.

Wu, X. & Wu Z. Shared Mental Model and Its Implication in Team Knowledge Management. R & D Management (China), 2006, 18(3), 9-15. (in Chinese)

Wu, X., Wu, Z.Antecedents and Consequences of Shared Mental Model in Work Teams. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2005, 27(4), 542-549. (in Chinese)

Wu, X., Wu, Z., Zhang, D. New Perspectives in Organizational Citizenship Behavior Research. Advances in Psychological Science, 2005, 13(2), 211-218. (in Chinese)

Wu, X. Performance Management: Methods and Practices. Beijing: China Mechanic Publishing. 2005. (in Chinese)

Research Grant

An empirical study on line manager involvement in human resource management and HRM effectiveness, funded by National Science Foundation Council of China, Principal Investigator, 2009-2011.

Managing Innovation in New Product Teams in China: A Multilevel, Longitudinal Investigation, funded by RGC Hong Kong, Co-investigator, 2008-2011

Investigating the antecedents of team effectiveness, funded by School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Co-investigator, 2004-2006.

Simulation testing in personnel assessment, funded by National Science Foundation Council of China, Co-investigator, 2002-2004

Ad Hoc Reviewers

Acta Psychologica Sinica

Advances in Psychological Science

Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Conference of International Association of Chinese Management Research, 2006, 2008, 2010

Asia Academy of Management Conference, 2006

National Science Foundation Grant Proposals, 2009, 2010

Professional Affiliations

International Association of Chinese Management Research

International Association of Applied Psychology

American Psychology Association

Chinese Psychology Association