On April 8th, Professor Dezso J. Horvath, the Dean of Schulich School of Business, York University in Canada, visited our school, and the president of SEM, Prof. Wang Huiwen expressed a warmwelcometo them. Based on the fulldeliberations by both school, we signedundergraduateexchangeprotocoland MBA exchangeprotocol. We also discussed thedevelopmentplanningfor the JointCentrefor Advanced Management Education. Finally, Prof. Wang also mentioned that we currently prepared the Business model Innovation Contest in the context of Big Data, and issued thecompetitioninvitationfor Schulich School of Business. Prof. Alan Middleton, Prof. Thomas Beechy from Schulich School of Business, Ms. Esther Yu Wang from the Centre for Advanced Management Education in China, Vice-dean of SEM, Prof. Wang Jing and Prof. Jia Guozhu, vice-secretary Gao Xiang and several teachersattended theconferenceand the signingceremony.
Schulich School of Business is one of the mostfamousBusiness Schools, and it was ranked No. 1 in Canada by American think tanks, i.e., Aspen; and the MBA education was also ranked No. 1 in Canada according to the Economist and Forbes. Students Exchange Protocol further implemented the MOU for cooperation between us, and stood out as one of the notable landmarks in the progress of cooperation. In addition, theagreementon the development planning for the Joint Centre for Advanced Management Education also stood out as one of the notable landmarks in the progress of Advanced Management Education.
Up to now, SEM takes a great step forward to theconstructionof the world-famousbusiness school.