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The 13th InternationalConference of Industrial Management (ICIM) was co-organized by SEM, BeihangUniveristy

Publish Date: 2016/11/03 15:57:27    Hits:

The 13thInternationalConference of Industrial Management (ICIM) was held in Hiroshima, Japan, onSeptember 21st-23rd, 2016. The conference is held everytwo years and has been organizing 13 times since 1990. The 13thICIMhas 122 papers and attracts 130 experts from different countries, includingChina, Japan, Thailand, Oman and Indonesia. Not limit to the management ofindustry, its topic was extended to energy and environmental management. Ourschool has co-organized the conference together with Hiroshima University.

Professor Huiwen Wang, Chairman of ChinesePartner and Professor Katsuhiko Takahashi, Chairman of Japanese Partner gavethe welcome speech respectively. Professor Ying Fan, Dean of SEM, presented thekeynote titled “The Optimal Design forCarbon Emission Trading”. Mr. OsamuTominaga gave the seminar “Mazda’s Monotsukuri Innovationat the Mexico Plant(MMVO)”. After that, a number of sessions were organized for different areas.

ICIM provides a good platform forexchanging ideas and influences the industry in China and Japan. The committeeagreed that the 14thICIM would be held in Hangzhou, China.