We welcomeVeronika Chabrol’s visited our school on November 3rd, 2016. Ms. Chabrolis the deputy representative of Agence Française de Development (AFD). Duringher visit, she shared with us about AFD’s accomplishments in global climatechange mitigation and other global assistance, with an interesting talkedentitled withThe role of development aid for sustainable development: The exampleof AFD. Ms. Chabrol also introduced the institute of AFD, its primaryresponsibilities and missions, and how it conducts the international assistancework in China.
Ms.Chabrol kindly communicated with ourstudents at the end of her talk. She answered questions about environmentalprotection and sustainable development. She also introduced possible internshipopportunities at AFD, which are open to Chinese students.
The talk is part of the compulsorycourse ofHistory of Environmental Economic Thoughts, for students inour program of Energy Economics. The course does not only cover historicalthought about population growth, natural resource depletion, and environmentalpollution, it also provides students with first-hand experiences in ongoing environmentalprotection efforts, by inviting students’ communication with active environmentalprofessionals.
Ms Veronika Chabrol is currently workingwith AFD on various topics such as climate change, sustainable development andco-financing activities with other bilateral and multilateral developmentbanks. Before joining AFD, Ms Chabrol worked for the French Treasury. Aftergraduating in Economics and Cultural Studies from Passau University in Germany,she earned a post-master degree in Public administration at Ecole Nationaled’Administration in Strasbourg, France.
Agence Française de Développement(AFD) is the French bilateral development institution in charge of implementingFrench development aid. Its mandate is to promote sustainable development inmore than 90 countries. Ms Chabrol’s presentation will provide you with a shortoverview of AFD’s activities worldwide and in China, where AFD has been workingfor more than 10 years, with a particular focus on AFD’s contribution, incooperation with its partners around the world, to the fight against climatechange and to the promotion of sustainable development.