Prof. Shan-Ling Pan:Usable, In-Use, andUseful Research: A 3U Framework for Demonstrating Practice Impact
On 14th November, 2019, we welcome Prof. Shan-Ling Pan to ourseries lecture on “Economics and Business”, as well as his speech on Usable,In-Use, and Useful Research: A 3U Framework for Demonstrating Practice Impact. Shan-LingPan is currently Director of the School of Information Systems at the Universityof New South Wales (UNSW), Australia and a research fellow at the Humboldt Centerfor Internet and Society in Germany. The lecture was hosted by Prof. TaoyangOuyang from School of Economics and Management at Beihang University.

In the following lecture,Prof.Shan-LingPan proposes a framework to demonstrate the impact ofpractice to show the process how the impact of practice is gradually realized,rather than the final result. This paper identifies three types of researchoutputs: practicability, versatility, and usefulness, each of which is acumulative and arguable practice.

During and after the lecture, more than 40 scholars and students from BUAA SEM discussedthe key points of the talk with Prof. Shan-Ling Pan and also raised quite a few relevant questions,which provoke further thinking on the issue from both parties.