Prof. Zhijun Li:Studying China's Problems, Telling Good Stories about China
On 20th November, 2019, we welcomeProf. ZhijunLi to our series lecture on “Economics and Business”, as well as his speechon Studying China's Problems, Telling Good Stories about China. Zhijun Li is thepresident of the Management World, the leading talent in the national press andpublishing industry, enjoying the special allowances of the State Council. Hisresearch interests include technology economy, industrial economy, innovationand entrepreneurship, intellectual property rights and public policy evaluation.The lecture was hosted by Prof. Ying Fan from School of Economics andManagement at Beihang University.

In the following lecture, Prof.Zhijun Li focused on the analysis of academic research and thesis related issues; and briefly introduce the"Management World" condition and
the exploration to reform recently. During and after the lecture, more than 80 scholars and students from BUAA SEM discussedthe key points of the talk with Prof. Zhijun
Li and also raised quite a fewrelevant questions, which provoke further thinking on the issue from both parties.