Prof. Pradeep Dubey:Transfers in Non-cooperative Games
On10th December, 2019, we welcomeProf.Pradeep Dubey to our series lecture on “Economics and Business”, as well ashis speech on Transfers in Non-cooperative Games. Prof. Dubey is a fellow ofThe Econometric Society. He is currently the leading professor of department ofeconomics, Stony Brook University, and also the co-director of the Stony BrookGame Theory Center. His research interests include Game Theory and MathematicalEconomics. The lecture was hosted by Associate Prof. Zhiwei Cui from School ofEconomics and Management at Beihang University.

In the following lecture,Prof. PradeepDubey considered players at a Nash Equilibrium (NE) of a non-cooperative gameof money, which serves as their “status quo” in that game. We examine thepossibility that they might innovate monetary transfers amongst themselves,thereby changing the game. In the domain of transfers which — in conjunctionwith concomitant NE of the changed game — are both “transparent” and“budget-balanced”, our focus is on those where all players are made better offcompared to the status quo. By way of key examples, we analyse the Prisoners’Dilemma, the Centipede Game, Contests, and Crime and Punishment (in apopulation equilibrium).

Duringand after the lecture, more than 40 scholars and students from BUAA SEM discussedthe key points of the talk with Prof. Pradeep Dubey and also raised quite a fewrelevant questions,which provoke further thinking on the issue from both parties.
Prof. Dubey is a fellow of The Econometric Society.He is currently the leading professor of department of economics, Stony BrookUniversity, and also the co-director of the Stony Brook Game Theory Center. TheStony Brook Game Theory Center is one of the most important centers all overthe world for studying game theory. Prof. Dubey’s main research interests aregame theory and mathematical economics. He has published dozens of influentialpapers in leading economic journals, including Econometrica, Quarterly Journalof Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, Mathematics of Operations Research,and Games and Economic Behavior etc. Prof. Dubey is also a council member ofGame Theory Society.