On 27th November, 2019, we welcomeProf.Xing Xiao to our series lecture on “Economicsand Business”, as well as her speech on How to Realize the Integration of Researchand Teaching. Xing Xiao is the Chair and professor, the Department ofAccounting, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University. Herresearch interests include Corporate Governance, Corporate Finance, FinancialStatement Analysis, and Financial Accounting. The lecture was hosted by Prof. JunjieWu from School of Economics and Management at Beihang University.

Inthe following lecture,Prof.Xing Xiao shared her rich teachingexperience and experience with the teachers to present from three levels:"How to Teach a Course", "Applying Research Results toTeaching", and "Teaching Merits".

Duringand after the lecture, more than 40 scholars and students from BUAA SEM discussedthe key points of the talk with Prof. Xing Xiao and also raised quite a fewrelevant questions,which provoke further thinking on the issue from both parties.
Prof. Xing Xiao, Chair and professor, the Department of Accounting, Schoolof Economics and Management, Tsinghua University. She received her B.S., MechanicalEngineering, and B.B.A. in Corporate Finance and Accounting from TsinghuaUniversity in 1994, M.A. in Corporate Finance and Accounting from TsinghuaUniversity in 1997, Ph.D. in Accounting from Tsinghua University in 2004.Courses Taught include Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation, AccountingTheory, Accounting and Capital Market, Accounting and Finance Issues in China’sCapital Market. She also teaches Accounting in EMBA program and FinancialManagement in EDP program.
Her research interestsinclude Corporate Governance, Corporate Finance,Financial Statement Analysis, and Financial Accounting. She has been incharged and participated in more than 10 research projects including NationalNatural Science Fund projects, National Social Science Fund projects, and otherprojects. Two of the projects got the best research project award. Her papershave been published in Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, China Journalof Accounting Research, Economics Research, Management World, TaxationResearch, Auditing Research, China Accounting Review, etc. Books publishedinclude Financial Issues and Analysis of China’s Listed Companies, FinancialStatement Analysis: a Valuation Approach. She won the best paper award of 2005China International Conference on Finance, 2009 the Most Popular Professor inMBA students, and SEM’s Best Teaching Award for several times.
She visited MIT SloanSchool, University of Wisconsin- Madison, and Suchou University of Taiwan asvisiting professor. She was 2010 Fulbright Scholar. She is Board member of theFinance and Cost Sub-society of the Accounting Society of China, seniorresearch fellow of the Cooperate Governance Research Centre of TsinghuaUniversity. She is also the referee of European Accounting Review, ChinaAccounting and Finance Research, Finance Research, and Nankai Business Review,and Editor of China Accounting Review. She is Independent Director of LiuguoChemical and Rongxin Electronics.