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Applied Ecnonomics Colloquium

The 28th Applied Economics Colloquium: Dr.Zibo Xu

Publish Date: 2019/03/22 10:55:00    Hits:


Dr. Zibo Xu: Stability of Backward-induction Equilibria

On 22 Mar. 2019, we welcomed the speaker Dr. Zibo Xu from Singapore University ofTechnology and Design. He is an assistant professor working in the field of gameTheory, microeconomic Theory, evolutionary Dynamics, and probability Theory. Inthe seminar, Dr. Xu presented his last research “Stability ofBackward-induction Equilibria”, which tests the stability of thebackward-induction equilibrium in a perfect-information extensive-form game bythe following three approaches: convergence of an approximate continuous-timebest-response dynamic, selection outcome of stochastic stability in a discrete-timebest-response dynamic, and the refinement by a tenable block in aconsideration-set game. The research shows in some extensive-form games thatthe backward-induction equilibrium is not the unique stable result by anyapproach above.



More than 20 teachers and students of the School ofEconomics and Management have participated in the seminar and discussed thestudy with Dr. Xu. We are looking forward to the Bi-Week Applied EconomicsColloquium next week.