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Dr.Du Wenyu Shared His Latest Research on the Fifth Event of Business Administration Colloquium

Publish Date: 2018/06/28 08:58:01    Hits:

The fifth event of Business Administration Colloquium was successfully held on 25May 2018. Around 40 faculties and students attended the event. Professor OuyangTaohua from Department of Leadership and Organization Management chaired the event.

In the research seminar, Dr. Du shared his latest research titled “How to Implement Blockchain in Organizations: A Case Study based on AffordanceActualization Theory”

Dr.Du pointed out that blockchain, the technology underlying bitcoin, is anemerging financial technology (FinTech) that is about to render strategic changes in organizations. However, because it is a new phenomenon, studies onblockchain have been limited and those studies have focused mainly on thetechnology’s potential impacts. Dr. Du’s study intends to examine how to effectively implement blockchain in an organization. Usingaffordance-actualization (A-A) theory as the theoretical lens, Dr. Du and hisco-authors conducted an in-depth case study of an organization that has effectively implemented blockchain. Dr. Du shared three affordances of blockchain in the organization and a process model whereby these affordances are actualized. The process model extends A-A theory by adding anexperimentation phase where blockchain’s use cases within the organization are identified, developed, and tested through conceptual adaptation and constraintmitigation. Dr. Du then shared the theoretical contributions of the findingsand a set of practical implications. Dr. Du ended this session by elaborating on the limitations of the study and some future research directions.

After Dr. Du’s presentation, the audiences further discussed with Dr. Du upon the research issues related to contents, backgrounds, and methods. The audiences have provided many insightful suggestions on how to further develop Dr. Du’sresearch.