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Recruitment at the China Marketing International Conference and Doctoral Consortium 2018

Publish Date: 2018/07/25 11:26:24    Hits:

From July 20thto 22th, the China Marketing International Conference and Doctoral Consortium 2018 was held in the College of Business, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. The annual meeting attracted many outstanding academics, well known academies, practical managers and enterprises from University of Wisconsin, California University, Riverside branch,California University, Riverside campus, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Cheung Kong Business School. The School of Economic and Management and the Institute of Economic and Business, Beihang University, as one of the invitees of this conference, participated in the discussion of the conference. The recruitment group, composed of Associate Pro.Yao Tang and Li Chenxi, joined in this conference and discussed with manyoutstanding scholars about recruitment policies. The talents were all from thetop universities and colleges. In the process of in-depth exchanges, scholarshave expressed their wish to join the family of our school. This recruitment campaign has played a great role in promoting the influence of the School ofEconomics And Management and the Institute of Economics and Business in the academic circles at home and abroad. More than 500 scholars were involved.